What can you do for your park?
ready for The Big Give S.A.
The Conservancy received $28,955 through The Big Give S.A. 2015, including $11,000 in prize money. The Conservancy used the donations to create a children's garden at the homestead and fund the nature education programs, as well as take us a step closer to building the Land Bridge.
On May 3, your donation will also help establish the Wetland Restoration Project. All you have to do is donate on May 3, to Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy through The Big Give S.A. website. Donations must be made through the website to help us become eligible for prize money.
Give 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. to help us win most donors in an hour!
As wonderful as Phil Hardberger Park is today, PHP Conservancy has plans that will make it even better. It can only happen with your help. Please give through The Big Give S.A. website May 3!
You can donate by phone, tablet or computer, wherever you are! The minimum donation is $10 and there is no maximum donation. There are standard credit card, processing and management fees.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016